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Scientists of the Faculty of Biotechnology took part in the discussion of regulatory documents for livestock breeding


An important step towards the adoption of regulations in pedigree dairy cattle breeding, adapted to the requirements of the International Committee for Animal Registration (ICAR), was the participation of university scientists in a web conference organized by the non-profit organization "Association of Holstein Cattle Producers".

In the Stavropol State Agrarian University, since 2015, under the scientific leadership of the Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, planned research work has been carried out to adapt the methodological approaches of the International Committee for Animal Registration (ICAR) in dairy farming, both in the Stavropol Territory and in the Russian Federation in the whole. During 2015-2020, at the Center for the Management of Highly Productive Genetic Resources of Livestock, located at the Faculty of Biotechnology, under the leadership of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Department of Private Animal Science, Breeding and Breeding of Animals, Sergei Aleksandrovich Oleinik, a regional system of dairy herd management is being introduced.

An important element of interaction with the breeding farms of the region, such as the SPK collective farm-breeding plant "Kazminsky", the collective farm-breeding plant "Kuban" of the Kochubeevsky region, LLC Agrofirma "Selo» named after G.V. Kaishev of the Predgorny region, LLC Agro-industrial company"Khleborob»of the Petrovsky region, CJSC"Oktyabrsky" of the Levokumsky region, LLC"Agroalliance Invest" of the Alexandrovsky region, agricultural production cooperative"Plemzavod Vtoraya Pyatiletka" of the Ipatovsky region is an individual sampling of milk from breeding cows with the participation of faculty staff under the supervision of Associate Professor Pokotilo A.A.

O.G. Smirnova, Executive Director of the Holstein Cattle Breeders Association (Moscow), also took part in the discussion of the new methodology for the control milking of breeding cows with the participation of the control-assistant service; Elizarova I.V., Head of the direction of dairy farming and feed, Foss Electric LLC (Moscow); E.S. Pantyukh, Head of the laboratory for selection control of milk quality, JSC "Agroplem" (Moscow); Petukhova M.V., Deputy Director for Development of LLC Agricultural Production Cooperative Olginsky and Zhivalbaeva A.A., Head of the Pedigree Work Department, State Treasury Institution "Center Agroindustrial Complex" of the Samara Region.

The participants in the discussion identified the main directions for the further development of new "Methodological recommendations for organizing a comprehensive assessment of milk productivity and raw milk in dairy and dairy-meat breeds", first developed taking into account the ICAR recommendations. 

Дата новости для фото:  17.07.2020
Номер новости для фото:  1

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