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1st place of Stavropol State Agrarian University in the National University Ranking 2020 among agrarian universities of Russia


According to the results of the research of the International Information Group "Interfax", Stavropol State Agrarian University confidently takes the 1st place (for the fifth time in a row) among 54 agricultural universities of the country. In 2020, the rating includes 337 higher educational institutions of Russia.

In the consolidated National Ranking of Russian Universities in 2020, Stavropol State Agrarian University took 68-70 place among 337 higher educational institutions in Russia and 1st place among 54 agricultural universities in the country. Stavropol SAU is followed by: RSAU - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev (98th place), Saratov State Agrarian University (101-103rd place), and Kuban State Agrarian University (127th - 130th place).

The ranking includes all the status universities of the country: 29 national research universities, 10 federal, 33 flagship, as well as 21 universities participating in Project 5-100.

The activities of universities were assessed according to six parameters: educational activity; research activities; social environment; internationalization (international cooperation); brand; innovation and technological entrepreneurship.

The full version of the results of the National University Ranking 2020 is available at https://academia.interfax.ru

Information: The National University Ranking (NRU) project has been implemented by the «Interfax» Group since 2010. Its main goal is to develop mechanisms and procedures for an independent assessment system for Russian universities and their educational programs, increase the competitiveness of the Russian education system, scientific research and technological entrepreneurship, and develop federal and regional universities.

For over 30 years, the international information group «Interfax» has been creating information and analytical systems that allow analyzing the economic activities of companies and enterprises, managing credit and tax risks, monitoring the media environment and mastering the skills of working with big data. The application of this knowledge and competencies for the development of education and science is an important element of the company's social responsibility.

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