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All-Russian webinar on pedigree dairy cattle breeding


Within the framework of the all-Russian webinar “The system of organizing and conducting control milking”, organized by the NCO “Association of Holstein Cattle Producers”, issues were considered on improving the organizational aspects of breeding work in the field of pedigree dairy cattle breeding with the involvement of a new unit - control-assistant service for sampling milk and delivery to the laboratory. Scientists of the biotechnological faculty of Stavropol State Agrarian University made innovative proposals at the All-Russian seminar.

The speakers repeatedly expressed their gratitude to the creative team of our university, which, under the scientific leadership of the Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor V.I. Trukhachev, in the center for the management of highly productive genetic resources of animals, under the leadership of Professor of the Department of Private Animal Science, Selection and Breeding of Animals, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences S.A. Oleinik, methodological approaches were developed for the interaction of the control-assistant service with breeding farms. Individual sampling of milk from the breeding cows of the region and their delivery to the laboratory for selection control of milk quality is carried out with the participation of faculty staff under the supervision of Associate Professor A.A. Pokotilo.

The webinar was also attended by: Smirnova O.G., Executive Director of the Holstein Cattle Breeders Association, webinar moderator; Zhivalbaeva A.A., head of the breeding department of State Public Institution of the Samara Region “Center of the Agro-Industrial Complex”; Fedorova G.V., Leading Livestock Technician, Specialist of the Problem Setting Department, LLC RC “PLINOR”; Pantyukh E.S., head of the laboratory for selection control of milk quality, JSC “Agroplem”; Elizarova I.V., Head of Dairy Farming and Feed, LLC Foss Electric; Serebrennikova V.V., Head of the Breeding Department, LLC “EkoNivaAgro”; Petukhova M.V. Deputy Director for Development of LLC “Agricultural Production Complex “Olginsky”; Lavrov S.A., Head of the State Budgetary Institution “Samara OVL”; Obukhov R.V., Head of SCI SO “Center of Agro-Industrial Complex”; Shcheglov M.E., Senior Researcher of Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Breeding”.

Among the 62 participants in the webinar, pedigree services from almost all regions of the Russian Federation were presented. Informational support of the webinar is organized on the Russian online platform of the AIC “Zolotaya Osen”. .

Webinar Program

Methodology and Productivity Assessment

Дата новости для фото:  03.08.2020
Номер новости для фото:  1

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