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Congratulations on the Knowledge Day by the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation


Dear students and employees of Russian agricultural universities! I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of the new school year!

The first of September in our country traditionally symbolizes the beginning of a new stage in the life of students and teachers - a period filled with new knowledge, ideas and discoveries, creative and personal development. Freshmen of agricultural universities today are embarking on a difficult but fascinating path of knowledge and becoming as professionals in the field of the agro-industrial complex.

It is you who in the coming years will determine the success of the agro-industrial complex, its scientific and technological development, ensuring food security in Russia.

The training of agrarian specialists is a task that has a special priority in modern conditions. Today, the universities of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation are entering a new level of educational activity, producing highly qualified personnel for agricultural enterprises, talented scientists and researchers who are able to respond to the current challenges of the time and the needs of the real sector of the economy.

I sincerely congratulate the teaching staff of agricultural educational institutions and thank them for the training of effective specialists, strengthening the human resources of the industry and a significant scientific contribution to its development!

I wish all students success in acquiring new knowledge, mastering professional skills in their chosen specialty, as well as fruitful and memorable student years! 

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