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Meeting of the working group of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia to improve the regulatory framework in the field of livestock breeding


An online meeting of the working group of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation on improving the regulatory legal framework in the field of livestock breeding, created in accordance with Order No. 45 dated August 15, 2019, was held to consider the Plan for research topics of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution VNIIplem for 2021 the direction of beef cattle breeding. Scientists from the Faculty of Biotechnology took part in the work.

The meeting of the working group was chaired by D.V. Butusov, Director of the Livestock Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.

The meeting was attended by:

o from the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia - G.F. Safina, Deputy Director of the Department of Animal Breeding, V.V. Chernov, Head of the Pedigree Resources Department, A.M. Urusova, Chief Specialist-Expert of the Industrial Poultry and Pig Breeding Department

o From FGBNU VNIIPlem - I.M.Dunin, Director, S.E. Tyapugin, Deputy Director, L.N. Grigoryan, Scientific Secretary

o from scientific institutions:

- N.A. Zinovieva, director of the Federal Scientific Center for Livestock-VIZh named after academician L.K. Ernst,

- S.A. Oleinik, Professor of the Department of Private Animal Science, Selection and Breeding of Animals, Stavropol State Agrarian University

o from the Unions (Associations) - A.S. Belov, General Director of Soyuzmoloko; E.M.Koldaeva, director of the NP "Natsplemsoyuz", O.G. Smirnova, isp. Director of the Holstein Cattle Breeders Association,

o from JSC "GCV" - S.A. Shemetyuk, General Director of JSC "GCV",

I. S. Turbina, Deputy General Director

o from the Federal State Budgetary Institution "State Breeding Commission" - V.M. Tyurikov, chief zootechnician of the Department of Methodology and International Relations

o from LLC "RC" Plinor "- E. N. Tyurenkova, director

o from the National Union of Sheep Breeders - Kh.A. Amerkhanov, President of the Union, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, B.D.Antontsev, Chief Specialist.

The list of questions regarding the topic of research work included the directions of work on the formation of electronic databases, the determination of the parameters of homeostasis of bulls-producers, the determination of the index score of beef cattle.

When discussing issues regarding the signs of assessing the state of sire bulls, Professor of the Stavropol Agricultural University S.A. Oleinik made a proposal to study the ethological characteristics of sire bulls, since the heritability of economically useful traits is of particular importance for the formation of highly productive herds of beef cattle. 

Дата новости для фото:  02.09.2020
Номер новости для фото:  2

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