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Financier's Day was celebrated at the Faculty of Accounting and Finance


On 8 September, the entire country celebrates Financier's Day, a holiday dedicated to specialists managing the financial system of our homeland. It has its origins in 1802, when Emperor Alexander I decided to establish the Ministry of Finance to maintain order and increase the country's wealth. Until 2011, financiers celebrated the holiday unofficially and it was only from this date that it was included in the list of professional holidays by decree of the Russian President.

On this day, thousands of financiers accept the warmest and sincerest congratulations. This year, as in previous years, the Day of the Financier did not pass over the Accounting and Finance Department of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

A good tradition on this day was the visit of the Deputy Minister of Finance of the Stavropol Territory, Yuri Ivanovich Suslov, and the Deputy Director of the Stavropol Regional Branch of Rosselkhozbank, Larisa Sergeyevna Khudyakova. In their addresses to students, the guests of honour revealed the secrets of the profession of a financier. They emphasised the need to study hard so that skills can be applied in practice in the future. 

A good tradition on this day was the visit of Yuri Ivanovich Suslov, Deputy Minister of Finance of the Stavropol Territory, and Larisa Sergeyevna Khudyakova, Deputy Director of the Stavropol Regional Branch of Rosselkhozbank. In their addresses to students, the guests of honour revealed the secrets of the profession of a financier. They emphasised the need to study hard so that skills can be applied in practice in the future. 

The future financiers of the country's leading agricultural university were also congratulated by Professor Yuliya Sklyarova, Head of the Department of Financial Management and Banking, Doctor of Economic Sciences.

Teachers of the department together with business partners annually hold events dedicated to the Day of the financier, within which master classes, lectures and thematic games are held for students of Stavropol State Agrarian University. Volunteers of the "Financier" student team provide invaluable assistance in holding these events.

As with any holiday, Financier's Day did not come without pleasant surprises. In order to become the owners of unique memorable gifts from the Ministry of Finance of the Stavropol Territory and the Stavropol Regional Branch of Rosselkhozbank, students were invited to "pump up" their knowledge and skills in the field of financial literacy by completing tasks and answering questions of intellectual battles. 

In the Leninsky district of Stavropol, the winners of the contest "The best territory adjacent to a company or institution" were determined. The landscape design of the Stavropol State Agrarian University has surpassed the decoration of all institutions of the Leninsky District of the regional capital, and this is not the first time that the university has won this competition.

"The best area adjacent to a company or institution" is a competition announced annually by the administration of the Leninsky District of Stavropol. Participation in it to the fullest extent allows students of SSAU - future masters of landscape design - and their mentors to demonstrate their talents and abilities. Thousands of square metres of the most beautiful university lawns and flowerbeds are created by the hands of the university's greening department and the students' Greengrocer team.  

To create green "oases" in the urban environment, amazing parterre lawns, flower beds and unique topiary forms the Stavropol State Administration uses its own production base of planting material. More than 300,000 specimens of various flowers are grown annually in greenhouses and greenhouses of the Agrarian University, and wood and shrub saplings are grown in the ornamental culture nursery of the educational and experimental farm. It is important to note that the design of the adjacent territories is regularly updated and modified in accordance with the current season. 

Дата новости для фото:  09.09.2020
Номер новости для фото:  3

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