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Opening of the Center for Advanced Professional Training (CAPT) of the Stavropol Territory


The Center for Advanced Professional Training was formed in the structure of the Institute of Additional Professional Education of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. The main task of the CAPT is to coordinate the use of material, technical and human resources of educational institutions of the region for teaching children and adults in accordance with the prospects for the development of the economy of the country and the region.

CAPT teachers are ready to offer 20 demanded and new professional skills programs. Among them are rapid prototyping, laser technology, industrial design, digital farming, the operation of unmanned aerial systems, agricultural biotechnology. They will be taught by teachers of secondary vocational and higher educational institutions of the Stavropol Territory, trained in the Union "Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workers" Young Professionals (Worldskills Russia).

The grand opening took place with the participation of honor guests. The first in the new audiences were:

• Governor of the Stavropol Territory Vladimir Vladimirovich Vladimirov

• Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Stavropol Territory, Minister of Finance of the Stavropol Territory Larisa Anatolyevna Kalinchenko

• Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Association of Agrarian Universities of the Russian Federation "Agro-education" Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev

• Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Professor Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov.

The guests examined the auditoriums, talked with speakers from different areas of study.

The governor paid special attention to the scale and innovations of the CAPT. More than 200 people can study at the Center at the same time in 10 areas of training. The total study area is 1850 sq.m.

The project for the creation of the center was first developed and presented to the expert community at the Skolkovo scientific center as part of the intensive "Island 10-22" in 2019.

The Center will focus on four social groups of the region's residents:

- vocational guidance for students in grades 6-11 of general education organizations;

- individualization of the educational trajectory of students of higher and secondary vocational education institutions;

- advanced training of teachers of institutions of higher and secondary vocational education in the most modern competencies;

- vocational training for people under the age of 65 inclusive, i.e. and pre-retirees.

The most important component of the activities of the Center will be to improve the qualifications of teaching staff, taking into account their needs and professional deficiencies on the following issues:

- advanced training, the use of modern and promising technologies, vocational education and training methods, taking into account Worldskills standards;

- development of professional competencies of teachers in terms of the formation of digital competencies in students and the use of digital education technologies;

- application of electronic and distance learning technologies in educational activities;

- organization and conduct of a demonstration exam according to the Worldskills method.

Professional training programs for the most popular and promising professions at the level corresponding to Worldskills standards will be developed taking into account their duration no more than 6 months.

CAPT in numbers: 11 interactive whiteboards, 120 workstations, 30 sets of virtual and augmented reality equipment, more than 200 copies of licensed software from companies: Autodesk, 3D Systems, Materialize, Ascon, Bitrix, etc. Each place is optimized for working with 3D graphics. 

Дата новости для фото:  25.09.2020
Номер новости для фото:  7

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