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Holiday concerts "Happy birthday, my home town!" from students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University


In the summer of 1777, by the imperial decree of Empress Catherine II, to establish the Azov-Mozdok defensive line, the Cossacks of the Volga and Khopersky regiments moved from the city to the south. It was from this time that the history of the Stavropol Territory began. On the 243rd birthday in the open areas of the city, at the same time there were festive concerts " Happy birthday, my home town!" Agrarian students could not pass by such a significant holiday.

The regional center hosted celebrations dedicated to the Day of the Stavropol Territory and the Day of the town of Stavropol.

The concerts were held in the courtyards of residential buildings and in the open areas of the regional capital. Such concerts have become a good tradition.

The Stavropol State Agrarian University was represented by the best creative teams and soloists: Provence, Argo, Anfas and others.

The vocalists gave the residents of Stavropol their talent and a festive atmosphere. 

Дата новости для фото:  28.09.2020
Номер новости для фото:  5

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