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Research by scientists of Stavropol State Agrarian University published in an international collection of scientific papers


The research was carried out by scientists of the Faculty of Economics. The work dealt with the process of human capital formation in the digital economy. The research results were published in the international collection of scientific papers "Human and technological progress towards the socio-economic paradigm of the future".

The paper deals with the formation and development of human capital in the digital economy. Much attention is paid to forecasting changes in the labor market, taking into account the formation of a new professional structure of those employed in the agricultural sector of the economy.

The study was conducted jointly by the departments of the Faculty of Economics:

Economic theory, marketing and agroeconomics: Doctor of Economics, Professor Olga Nikolaevna Kusakina,

Entrepreneurship and the world economy: Doctor of Economics, Professor Natalya Vladimirovna Bannikova,

Management and management technologies: candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Inna Georgievna Svistunova.

A study on the process of human capital formation in the digital economy “Different possibilities of human capital formation in the digital economy: territorial and sectoral aspect” was carried out. The results were published in the international collection of scientific papers: "Human and technological progress towards the socio-economic paradigm of the future." 

Дата новости для фото:  15.10.2020
Номер новости для фото:  7

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