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The choir of SSAU employees took part in the All-Russian festival-competition of amateur on-stage performance groups


More than 4 thousand participants were gathered by the All-Russian festival-competition of amateur art groups, held within the framework of the national project "Culture". The main result of the implementation of the national project should be an increase in the number of visits to cultural institutions by 2024. The jury selected the best 20 out of 60 finalists.

The All-Russian festival-competition of amateur performance groups is aimed at preserving the intangible cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia and supporting the creative initiatives of talented children and youth. In 2020, the festival is held in the “Culture is us!” Nomination, 255 teams from 85 regions of the country took part in it. Due to the unfavorable epidemiological situation, the qualifying stages of the festival were held in absentia.

Traditionally, the folk academic choir of teachers and employees of Stavropol State Agrarian University presented their work. 

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