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Meeting of the working group of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia to improve the regulatory framework in the field of livestock breeding


A meeting of the working group of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia on improving the regulatory legal framework in the field of livestock breeding took place in the videoconference mode. The working group was created in accordance with Order No. 45 of August 15, 2019, to consider the preparation of the draft Rules in the field of animal husbandry. Scientists from SSAU took part in the work.

The meeting of the Working Group was chaired by D.V. Butusov, Director of the Livestock Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.

The meeting was attended by:

from the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia – G.F. Safina, Deputy Director of the Department of Animal Production; V.V. Chernov, head of the pedigree resources department; O.V. Lastochkina, head of the department of dairy and meat cattle breeding and biotechnology; A.M. Urusova, chief specialist-expert of the department of industrial poultry and pig breeding;

from the State Duma of Russia - deputies V.L. Pashin, S.V. Yakhnyuk;

from scientific institutions:

- S.A. Oleinik, Professor of the Department of Private Animal Science, Selection and Breeding of Animals, Stavropol State Agrarian University

- S.N. Kharitonov, Leading Researcher of the Department of Population Genetics and the Genetic Basis of Animal Breeding, Federal Research Center for Livestock named after academician L.K. Ernst

- S.E. Tyapugin, Deputy Director of VNIIplem;

from the Unions (Associations) - E.M. Koldaeva, director of the NP "Natsplemsoyuz", O.G. Smirnova, Executive Director of the Holstein Cattle Breeders Association;

from JSC "GCV" - S. A. Shemetyuk, General Director of JSC "GCV", I.S. Turbina, Deputy General Director;

from LLC "RC" Plinor "- E. N. Tyurenkova, director.

The agenda included questions regarding amendments to the new edition of the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia No. 431 “Rules in the field of livestock breeding. Types of organizations carrying out activities in the field of livestock breeding”.

When discussing the optimization of selection and breeding work, Professor of Stavropol Agrarian University S.A. Oleinik made a proposal to include the control-assistant service in the list of service organizations in the field of livestock breeding, noting that this service was successfully introduced in Stavropol Territory and was repeatedly presented by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.I. Trukhachev to the Minister of Agriculture of Russia D.N. Patrushev (2019), Director of the Livestock Department Kh.A. Amerkhanov and Governor of Stavropol Territory V.V. Vladimirov (2018, 2019). The proposal of Professor S.A. Oleinik was listened to with interest by the leadership of the Livestock Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia and supported by representatives of a large dairy business - the NGO "Association of Holstein Cattle Producers".

Дата новости для фото:  15.10.2020
Номер новости для фото:  10

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