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Navigation quest on Tochka Kipeniya of SSAU for the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture


Tochka Kipeniya of SSAU is a space of collective work, free from stereotypes, where any student can realize their ideas and create a unique project.

Especially for freshmen of the Faculty of Ecology and Landschaft Architecture, a navigation quest was held on the main functional locations of Tochka Kipeniya.

The children learned about how the idea of creating a space arose, about the main directions of its activities and opportunities for professional and personal growth.

In a game format, the students got to know Tochka Kipeniya team, completed all the tasks and took part in competitions. The quest ended with summing up and rewarding the most active guys.

Tochka Kipeniya navigation quest became the first bright event after the students returned to the walls of the Agrarian University. The path of freshmen to active student life is just beginning!

The full photo report can be viewed at the link https://vk.com/album-187658431_275767907

Дата новости для фото:  22.10.2020
Номер новости для фото:  10

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