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Participation of scientists from Stavropol State Agrarian University in online meetings on the development of national dairy cattle breeding


Topical issues on the development of pedigree dairy cattle breeding in Russia were discussed in the videoconference mode within the framework of the meeting of the working group of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia on improving the regulatory legal framework in the field of pedigree livestock breeding and a specialized conference organized by the NGO Association of Holstein Cattle Producers. Scientists from Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in these events.

Holding two videoconferences on the development of pedigree dairy cattle breeding in one day only emphasizes the relevance and importance of the issues under consideration, and the invitation of scientists from Stavropol State Agrarian University to consider the indicated areas emphasizes the special significance of the developments of our scientists in the field of pedigree dairy cattle breeding.

The meeting of the working group on the consideration of research topics of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Pedigree Business was chaired by the Director of the Department of Livestock of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia D.V. Butusov.

The meeting was also attended by:

v from the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia: G.F.Safina, A.M. Urusova, chief specialist-expert of the department of industrial poultry and pig breeding

v from scientific institutions: S.A. Oleinik, Professor of the Department of Private Animal Science, Selection and Breeding of Animals, Stavropol State Agrarian University

v from FSBSI ASRIplem: S.E. Tyapugin, Deputy Director; L.A. Kalashnikova and A.G. Kozonkov, chief researchers; T.A.Knyazeva and R.K. Mescherov, leading researchers, M.E. Shcheglov, senior researcher

v from the Unions (Associations): E.M.Koldaeva, director of the NP “Natsplemsoyuz”, O.G. Smirnova, Director of the NGO of the Association of Holstein Cattle Breeders

v from JSC “GCV”: S. A. Shemetyuk, General Director, I. S. Turbina, Deputy General Director

v from LLC “RC” Plinor”: E. N. Tyurenkova, director

v from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Crimea: N. N. Opalikhina, deputy head of the department - head of the livestock department, senior state inspector in the field of livestock breeding

When considering the agenda, Professor S.A. Oleinik in his speeches emphasized the importance of preserving the gene pool of the red steppe breed bred in the pedigree farms of the Stavropol Territory, paid special attention to an in-depth study of the genetic well-being of imported Holstein cattle, as well as the need to increase the period of productive longevity of dairy cattle. The expressed wishes were accepted and introduced into the topic for the implementation of research work.

Within the framework of a specialized video conference organized by the NGO of the Association of Cattle Producers of the Holstein breed, Professor S.A. Oleinik focused the attention of the audience on the need for close interaction of the control-assistant service specialists with the laboratory for selection control of milk quality, as it was worked out in cooperation with breeding farms of the Stavropol Territory. The representative of the FSBSI ASRIplem M.E. Shcheglov supported the proposal to organize a control-assistant service as a subject of breeding, which will ensure the reliability of accounting data in the field of pedigree dairy cattle breeding. In turn, the executive director of the NGO of the Association of Holstein Cattle Breeders O.G. Smirnova and the director of the Plinor LLC LLC E.N. Tyurenkova emphasized the importance of preparing guidelines for regulating the activities of the newly created control-assistant service.

The on-line events were also attended by: T.S. Lesnyak, Associate Professor of the Department of Nutrition and General Biology and E.V. Yanochkina, Specialist of the Laboratory for Selection Control of Milk Quality. 

Дата новости для фото:  22.10.2020
Номер новости для фото:  4

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