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Practice-oriented lesson on pruning a seed garden


Our university is always moving with the times. Thanks to the system of grant support for horticultural enterprises developed by the Government of the Russian Federation, our country has seen a significant annual increase in the area of ​​fruit plantations. The fruit-growing enterprises being created experience an acute shortage of highly qualified personnel. Therefore, taking into account modern realities, and moving in a trend direction, from 2021 at the Stavropol State Agrarian University on the basis of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, the direction "Gardening" will be opened.

The autumn period is the time to prune fruit trees. Agronomist students of the 4th year under the guidance of Associate Professor Aisanov T.S. carried out an autumn pruning of an orchard located on the territory of a greenhouse and greenhouse complex, as well as an intensive-type trellis garden on the territory of a training and experimental farm of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Pruning is one of the main agricultural techniques in the cultivation of fruit plantations using modern intensive technologies. During the practical offsite lesson, the students consolidated the knowledge they gained during the lecture course, worked out the basic techniques of forming tree crowns, and also improved the skills of calculating the planned yield by counting fruit formations on branches of different orders.

In the course of the lesson, the students demonstrated the mastered skills, on the basis of which Associate Professor Asanov T.S. an assessment of the current performance of students was carried out.

The implementation of the curriculum for training personnel for all branches of agricultural production by organizing field practical classes with students contributes to the consolidation of theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom and the formation of practical skills in students. 

Дата новости для фото:  03.11.2020
Номер новости для фото:  3

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