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Students of the Accounting and Finance Faculty of SSAU - winners of the Interregional Economic Universiade of the Southern Main Board of the Bank of Russia


In the Southern Main Board of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Interregional Economic Universiade of the Southern Main Board of the Bank of Russia was held, in which 19 teams of students from universities of the North Caucasus Federal District and the Southern Federal District took part. The purpose of the Universiade is to encourage the interest of students of higher educational institutions in the financial system of the Russian Federation, the functions and powers of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the field of regional economic analysis, development of the financial market.

The team of the Stavropol State Agrarian University was represented by 4th year students of the Accounting and Finance Faculty of the specialty "Economic Security": Inal Efendiev, Viktor Mikhonenko, Alexander Yakovenko, Daria Dolmatova, Valeria Volkoderova.

The Universiade consisted of two successive stages.

During the correspondence course, the participants had to prepare team written work on the topics "Increasing financial inclusion in the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus Federal District" and "Analysis of the regional economy for the formation of arguments for a decision on the key rate". The participating teams were also given the opportunity to receive additional points for completing the Bank of Russia distance learning course “Financial Literacy”.

At the face-to-face stage, held in an online format, the finalist teams from the Crimean Federal University, Kuban Agrarian State University, Kuban State University, North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol State Agrarian University, Sochi State University were to defend the extramural stage project on the topic "Increasing financial inclusion in the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus Federal District", completing additional tasks on the topics "Forming arguments for a decision at the key rate of the Bank of Russia", "Development of the regional corporate bond market" and "Improving financial literacy", as well as individual testing on the topic "Macroeconomics".

In addition, the finalists of the Universiade took part in lectures and master classes “Strategy of personal professional development”, “The role of the Bank of Russia in achieving price stability. Monetary Policy”, “Bond Market. Corporate sector of the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus Federal District”, “Project to improve financial inclusion in remote and sparsely populated areas of the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus Federal District”, “Project activities on the topic of financial literacy”.

According to the results of a stubborn struggle, the team of the Stavropol State Agrarian University took the honorable second place. The jury of the Southern GU of the Bank of Russia noted the high level of training of students and awarded a special prize – a diploma for the best work in the block “Development of the regional corporate bond market”, and also offered the opportunity to undergo an internship at the Southern Main Board of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and branches, branches-national banks of the Southern Main Board of the Bank of Russia.

Students of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance express their gratitude for the assistance in the team's participation in the Interregional Economic Universiade of the Southern Main Board of the Bank of Russia to Rector Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov and Dean Elena Ivanovna Kostyukova, as well as teachers Yulia Mikhailovna Sklyarova and Elena Nikolaevna Lapina for help in preparing the work. 

Дата новости для фото:  12.11.2020
Номер новости для фото:  6

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