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The result of international cooperation is a new tutorial


The manual "Poultry: a course of lectures" is intended for students of institutions that provide higher education in the specialty "Animal Science". The course of lectures provides for the study of biological and economic characteristics of poultry; problems of organizing breeding work; new achievements in the creation of highly productive hybrids and crosses; features of the organization of high-grade bird feeding; progressive ways of keeping poultry; modern technologies for the poultry production of and poultry products processing.

Scientists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University are actively involved in scientific and research work with colleagues from different universities around the world. The results of joint work are scientific developments, discoveries and training programs aimed at the professional training of future specialists.

Thanks to the cooperation of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy and the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the educational and methodological manual “Poultry keeping: a course of lectures” was created.

The authors are Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Nikolay Ivanovich Kudryavets, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Elena Edugartovna Epimakhova. 

Дата новости для фото:  12.11.2020
Номер новости для фото:  5

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