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Online meeting of SSAU scientists in the field of virology with schoolchildren of Stavropol


Schoolchildren of the city of Stavropol were able to communicate with leading scientists in the field of agricultural education in Russia. Lecturers and graduate students of the faculties of veterinary medicine and biotechnology got in touch with future agrarians. The event was held in an online format.

Head of the Department of Epizootology and Microbiology of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Doctor of Veterinary Science Nadezhda Arkadyevna Ozheredova shared with the audience a knowledge base about the most modern scientific research. The professor gave recommendations on the prevention of viral diseases in the current epizootic situation. The lecture "Taxonomy of viruses" was delivered online.

Elena Valentinovna Svetlakova, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, spoke in more detail about new achievements and discoveries in the field of virology, as a science of the future, and the foundations of food security in our country.

Also one of the organizers was the Leader Center - a multidisciplinary educational environment, a non-profit organization Interregional Association “Center for Continuing Education”, focused on solving urgent educational problems, maximizing the intellectual and personal potential of children, developing their skills of the XXI century.

Upon completion of the online meeting, each participant was able to ask a question of interest. One of these was: "Why did you choose the scientific path?"

A 1-year postgraduate student Viktor Sergeevich Samoilenko replied to him: “Work in the field of science is a constant improvement of oneself, the search for solutions to the most difficult problems. We are on guard for the safety of humans and animals. " There were other questions, an interesting and productive dialogue with the participants of the event took place. 

Дата новости для фото:  16.11.2020
Номер новости для фото:  4

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