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Pre-defense to the "Pipe of Experts" in the framework of the network design and educational intensive of the Stavropol State Agrarian University: Food-Track


The pre-defense of projects of student teams of the network design and educational intensive of the Stavropol GAU: Food-Track took place online. The event was organized within the framework of the consultative preparation for the "Pipe of Experts" network intensive from the University at 20.35.

Eleven design teams presented their designs to experts. Their authoritative opinion about the work was presented by:

· Alexey Nikolaevich Bobryshev - Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovative Work, SSAU;

· Artem Sergeevich Marshalkin - Commercial Director of Infocom-S LLC;

· Igor Nikolaevich Vorotnikov - Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Automation and Metrology, SSAU;

· Sergey Gennadievich Shmatko - Head of the Department of Information Systems, SSAU;

· Dmitry Valerievich Shlaev - Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems.

The experts expressed their professional opinion on each of the presented projects and offered practical recommendations for their improvement.

The highest ratings were received by the following project teams:

- Team "Fragaria" (project mentor Tunina N.A.) with the project "Assistant to the gardener" Valera ";

- Team "Fitotron" (project mentor Devederkin I.V.) with the project "Zonal technologies in agriculture";

- The FoodNet ID team (project mentors E.G. Agalarova, M.V. Ponomarenko) with the Personalized Nutrition project. 

Дата новости для фото:  20.11.2020
Номер новости для фото:  3

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