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Regional Olympiad of Professional Skills


On the basis of GBPOU "Praskoveya agro-technological technical school", a regional Olympiad of professional skill of students in the enlarged group of specialties of secondary vocational education "Applied geology, mining, oil and gas business and geodesy" was held. Students from the State Budgetary Educational Institution "Stavropol Construction College" took part; GBPOU “Pyatigorsk technical school of trade and service technologies; GBPOU "Georgievsky College" and GBPOU "Praskovey agrotechnological college". The chairman of the jury was Dmitry Igorevich Ivannikov, assistant of the Department of Land Management and Cadastre. The Olympiad included the implementation of a professional complex task, the content and level of complexity of which corresponded to the Federal State Educational Standards and consisted of two levels: - at the first level, the degree of participants' mastering of knowledge and skills was revealed; - at the second level, the degree of formation of practical skills. The jury members noted the high organizational and methodological level of preparation and holding of the Olympiad. The event took place in strict observance of anti-epidemiological safety measures. 

Дата новости для фото:  25.11.2020
Номер новости для фото:  5

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