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University students took part in the international campaign “Test on the national history”


On December 3, 2020, the day of the Unknown Soldier, the international campaign “Test on the history of the great Patriotic war” was held in Russia. throughout the day. Large-scale event is dedicated to the celebration of the year of memory and glory and is held as part of the project of the Youth Parliament under the state Duma “Big history”. Russian citizens and foreign citizens, regardless of age, education, social affiliation, or religion, can become participants in the project.

The purpose of the test was to assess the level of historical literacy of citizens of the Russian Federation, compatriots living abroad, and foreign citizens about the great Patriotic war, as well as to draw attention to the history of the great Patriotic war.

More than 100 students took part in the Patriotic action at Stavropol State Agrarian University, one of the officially registered testing sites in Stavropol. All of them passed online testing on the site Big-history.ru and they showed excellent results. 

Дата новости для фото:  04.12.2020
Номер новости для фото:  13

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