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Participation of the team of the Stavropol State Agrarian University in the online convention "Business without Borders" of the North Caucasus Federal District


The online convention "Business without Borders: Building a Space of Opportunities Together with NTI" is a federal online event held as part of the execution of the Order of the Russian Federation President dated July 9, 2020 No. Or-1247 in terms of including the subjects of the Russian Federation in the work on the formation and implementation of projects of the National Technology Initiative. It covered 8 federal districts, 85 regions, more than 300 business events and more than 250 leading experts in the most promising technological areas.

The Business Without Borders online convention, organized by the National Technology Initiative Platform ANO and the Roscongress Foundation, was held in the North Caucasus Federal District. It included several business events:

• Presentation of the FoodNet market “Food multiplied by technology”, where the following reports were presented:

- “Concept of the foodNet2.0 market roadmap” (S.N. Kosogorov, project manager for digitalization of the agro-industrial complex of the Center for Technological Transfer, NRU HSE);

- "Tasks to improve the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex of the Stavropol Territory" (Ridny S.D., Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory, Ph.D.);

- "" FoodTrack " the design and educational intensive of the University at 20.35 as the practice of implementing the network online program of agricultural universities in Russia" (Bobryshev A. N., Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Work of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Doctor of Economics),

• FoodNet round table, dedicated to the analysis of the current level of technological development and competitiveness of the agro-industrial sector of the macroregion, as well as the possibilities for a technological breakthrough and the emergence of high-tech leaders at the macroregional and local levels.

• The FoodNet living room, where in an informal setting the issues of increasing the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex of the region were discussed through the introduction of new technologies and new principles of organizing the interaction of market participants with the help of the developments of the FoodNet NTI market working group and cases of industry leaders.

• Pitch session of foodnet startups, where projects in the following areas were presented:

Smart farming

Alternative sources of raw materials and food

Biological and organic farming

Personalized meals

Smart supply chain.

Projects were proposed from the Stavropol State Agrarian University:


Oleinik Sergey Alexandrovich

Professor of the Department of Private Animal Science, Breeding and Breeding of Animals at FSBEI HE SSAU, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences

1. An innovative system for monitoring the quality of dairy raw materials in breeding and commercial farms

2. Forecasting of pasture fertility using digital aerospace technologies


Dilekova Olga Vladimirovna, Head of the Department of Parasitology and Veterinary Public Health, Anatomy and Pathological Anatomy named after Professor S.N. Nikolsky FSBEI HE SSAU, Doctor of Biological

Genome editing of meat productivity of sheep of Russian breeds


Devederkin Igor Viktorovich

Senior Lecturer

Department of the Application of Electricity in Agriculture, FSBEI HE SSAU,

candidate of technical sciences

Technology of cultivation and storage of revitalized seed potato minitubers using new electrophysical methods of aeroponic cultivation and magnetic treatment of root crops.


Mironova Elena Alekseevna

Associate Professor of the Department

production and processing of food products from vegetable raw materials FSBEI HE SSAU, candidate of technical sciences

Technology for the production of functional drinks based on natural fruit juices

You can familiarize yourself with the work of the online convention "Business without Borders" by following the links:

Presentation https://youtu.be/Gf7dp6Q3qsM "

Round table https://youtu.be/r88Ix7l4SHg "

Pitch Session https://youtu.be/rWSwhb50fO4

Дата новости для фото:  08.12.2020
Номер новости для фото:  4

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