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Student of Agrarian University is among the best at the regional stage of the All-Russian competition "Do as I do!"


"Do as I do!" - the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills among the leaders and participants of military-patriotic clubs (associations). The competition was held in two stages.

In 2020, the participants of the competition competed for awards in the following nominations:

- "The best leader of the military-patriotic club (association)",

- "The best teacher (association)",

- "The best pupil of the military-patriotic club (association)."

Contest "Do as I do!" is part of the civil-patriotic program of pre-conscription and conscription youth "Become in line" and is aimed at identifying, improving and developing forms and methods of work in the field of patriotic education, supporting the best specialists and pupils in the field of patriotic education, who have successfully proven themselves.

Valeria Khvorost, a student of the Accounting and Finance Faculty, chairman of the student center for civil-patriotic education "Patriot", took an honorable second place in the nomination "Best leader of a military-patriotic club, association, center of patriotic education." 

Дата новости для фото:  07.12.2020
Номер новости для фото:  22

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