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StSAU students are winners of the WorldSkills Russia Interuniversity Championship


More than 500 students of higher educational institutions from 39 regions of Russia, as well as foreign competitors representing universities in 24 countries, took part in the championship in professional skills. They competed in 63 competencies. The final of the IV National Interuniversity Championship "Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia)" was preceded by university championships held in 70 educational organizations. About 3 thousand students from different regions of the Russian Federation took part in them.

The methodology provided for the performance of tasks by the contestants on the sites of their universities under the supervision of webcams. therefore, all competitive tests took place online. The assessment was carried out by experts from home regions, as well as from the competition management centers located in Moscow at the sites of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI and the Moscow Polytechnic University. The expert community was represented by over 220 people.

In the final of the IV national interuniversity Championship WorldSkills Russia, Stavropol State Agrarian University was represented by 5 students in 5 nominations. Three brought GOLD medals to the collection of awards:

in the competence "Prototyping" Stepan Yarysh, the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization took the FIRST place,

in the competence "Internet marketing" Anton Degtyarev Faculty of Economics took the FIRST place,

in the competence "Freight forwarding" Victoria Gomanyuk, the Faculty of Hospitality Business and Tourism took the FIRST place.

Interuniversity championships according to WorldSkills standards are designed to promote the development of professional training in the higher education system, update educational standards and training programs in higher educational institutions that meet the requirements of the labor market to the maximum. Competitors in the competition get the opportunity to objectively assess their skill level and increase their chances of employment with the best employers. 

Дата новости для фото:  07.12.2020
Номер новости для фото:  20

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