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2200 Stavropol Territory Residents Affected By Coronavirus Receive New Job Under WorldSkills Express Program.


WorldSkills Express is a joint program of the Ministry of Education of Russia, Federal Education and Science Supervision Service, Federal Labor and Employment Service and the Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workers Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia) on vocational training and additional vocational education of Russians affected by the current epidemiological situation. The program can include employees at risk of dismissal, graduates of educational organizations and citizens who have difficulty finding work during a pandemic. This year, 2,200 residents have been trained in the Stavropol Territory. The program for Russians will continue next year as well.

In 2020, a program of vocational training and additional vocational education for people affected by the consequences of the spread of the new coronavirus infection is being implemented in the Stavropol Territory. The program is organized by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation together with the Worldskills Russia Union.

The regional operator of the program on the territory of the Stavropol Territory is the Center for Advanced Professional Training of the region, which operates on the basis of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

In the Stavropol Territory, educational platforms were launched on the basis of 11 training centers for 35 competencies. 2200 places have been allocated for the region.

The professions were selected through a labor market analysis, with the participation of the Employment Center.

One of the most important components of the program is student employment. Graduates will receive qualification documents, the results will be entered in the federal register of information, as well as a skills passport with the profile of the acquired professional competencies.

The program is aimed at residents of the region who lost their jobs during the pandemic, for graduates of educational organizations, as well as for those who were looking for work and decided to change their profession. 

Дата новости для фото:  11.12.2020
Номер новости для фото:  7

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