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Defense of dissertations in the Dissertation Council D 220.062.02


Dissertation Council D 220.062.02 accepts dissertations for defense in specialties: 03.02.11 – Parasitology (Veterinary Sciences); 06.02.01 – Diagnostics of Diseases and Therapy of Animals, Pathology, Oncology and Morphology of Animals (Biological Sciences); 06.02.02 – Veterinary Microbiology, Virology, Epizootology, Mycology with Mycotoxicology and Immunology (Veterinary Sciences). There were defended dissertations in the Dissertation Council.

Under the guidance of Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor Vladimir Aleksandrovich Orobets, in the Dissertation Council D 220.062.02 two dissertations were defended in the specialties 06.02.01 - Diagnosis of Diseases and Therapy of Animals, Pathology, Oncology and Morphology of Animals and 06.02.03 - Veterinary Pharmacology with Toxicology:

- for the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences Ivan Valentinovich Kireev on the topic: "Clinical and therapeutic substantiation of pharmacological correction of the antioxidant defense system of the organism of farm animals";

- for the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences Elena Sergeevna Kastarnova on the topic: "Development and clinical-therapeutic assessment of the effectiveness of selective drugs."

Theses were defended successfully. The members of the dissertation council voted unanimously for the awarding of an academic degree to applicants. On the successful completion of the defense of dissertations, the official opponents of both dissertation candidates were presented with a sightseeing tour of the university and the material and technical base of the faculties. 

Дата новости для фото:  14.12.2020
Номер новости для фото:  13

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