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Students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the All-Russian dictation in English


The dictation was conducted online from December 7 to December 12 among 147 educational and higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation. The organizers and experts of the dictation were the staff of the Department of Foreign Languages.

In total, 152 students from different faculties and courses of our university took part in the exam. This year, the dictation was conducted in a new online format on the Zoom platform, as students switched to distance learning. Everyone who took part in writing the dictation was united by one common love - the love of foreign languages.

Every year the dictation is carried out with the aim of motivating young people to learn foreign languages ​​as a means of international communication and increase literacy, and the level of proficiency in the language norms of the English language. Studying foreign languages ​​for future professional growth is necessary and significant for any specialty.

All dictation participants will receive online certificates, awardees and winners - diplomas and branded gifts.

After processing the results, participants will be able to familiarize themselves with them on the kpfu.ru website no earlier than on December 21. 

Дата новости для фото:  14.12.2020
Номер новости для фото:  7

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