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XV All-Russian meeting of student specialized teams of universities of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia


The XV All-Russian meeting of student specialized teams of universities of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia took place online. The purpose of the meeting is to consolidate and develop student teams of universities of the Ministry of Agriculture, popularize their activities, as well as develop a general strategy for activities. As part of the rally, the results of the All-Russian competition of student teams in 2020 were summed up.

Among 54 universities subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, Stavropol State Agrarian University is again on the podium.

Stavropol State Agrarian University took 2nd place in the nomination "The best higher educational institution organizing the work of student teams."

Places in the nominations were distributed as follows:

· Livestock: 2nd place - the team of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine "Aibolit"

Mechanization: 3rd place - the team of the Faculty of Farm Mechanization "Kolos"

· Rural construction: 2nd place - the team of the Electric Power Faculty "Masterok"

· Processing of agricultural and seafood: 2nd place - the team of the Biotechnological Faculty "Technologist"

· Landscaping and landscaping of the territory: 3rd place - the team of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture "Landscaping"

· Financial teams: 1st place - the team of the Accounting and Financial Faculty "Financier"

· Pedagogical teams: 3rd place - the team "Mechta" 

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