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Educational and scientific laboratory "Fuel and lubricants and power supply systems of automotive engines" has successfully passed certification


 Educational research laboratory "TSM and SPAD" was created in 2008 in accordance with the state program "Innovative model of educational, scientific and industrial cluster for the formation of an effective system of training personnel in the agricultural sector of the Russian economy." Since 2012, the laboratory has been actively conducting research on the use of a mixture of rapeseed oil and mineral fuel as a fuel for automotive diesel engines. 

The laboratory «Fuel and lubricants and power supply systems for automotive engines» conducts its activities in the solution of relevant research and development in the field of application and quality assessment of fuel and lubricants in accordance with TR CU No. 013/2011GOST, AST D, EN ISOimproving the performance of diesel fuel equipment, using vegetable oils as a motor fuel in an internal combustion engine and implementing the results of scientific research in educational and production processes.

The commission of the department of metrological work and services of FBU "Stavropol CSM" assessed the state of measurements in accordance with the passport of metrological support, performed in the educational and scientific laboratory.

When assessing the state of measurements, the conformity the conformity of the measurement procedures used in the laboratory was established:

standardization GOST R ISO 5725 (1-6);

certifications according to GOST R 8.563-2009.

All methods are implemented in accordance with GOST ISO / IEC 17025.

The room used by the laboratory meets the requirements of the measurement conditions regulated in the measurement procedures and in the operational documentation for measuring instruments.

The conclusion of the commissionIn the educational and scientific laboratory  «Fuel and lubricants and power supply systems for automotive engines» the necessary conditions are observed for performing measurements in the stated area of the laboratory.

The Commission considers it possible to approve the appendix to the expert opinion in the form of a list of objects assigned to the educational and scientific laboratory «Fuel and lubricants and power supply systems for automotive engines»confirming the compliance with the conditions necessary for performing measurements in the scope of the laboratory specified in the appendix.

Дата новости для фото:  24.12.2020
Номер новости для фото:  26

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