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Winners of the grant of the FSBEI HE Stavropol State Agrarian University in the field of science and innovation for young scientists in 2020


To participate in the competition for the grant from Stavropol State Agrarian University in the field of science and innovation, 19 grant proposals were submitted by young scientists of the faculties.

The Expert Council included:

-BOBRYSHEV Alexey Nikolaevich, Vice-Rector for Academic and Innovative Work, Professor (Chairman of the Council);

- CHERVYAKOV Dmitry Eduardovich, chairman of the Council of young scientists and employees of FSBEI HE Stavropol SAU (deputy chairman);

- ALEKSEEVA Maria Valentinovna, head of the department of research and development work and NTTM (secretary of the council);

- AISANOV Timur Soltanovich, Associate Professor of the Department of Production and Processing of Food Products from Plant Raw Materials;

- BAGANOV Nikolay Anatolyevich, Associate Professor of the Department of Machines and Technologies of the Agri-Industrial Complex;

- Bezgina Yulia Aleksandrovna, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection;

- GRINCHENKO Vitaly Anatolyevich, Associate Professor of the Department of Electricity Application in Agriculture;

- Gromov Evgeniy Ivanovich, head of the educational process management center;

- IVOLGA Anna Grigorievna, Head of the Department of Tourism and Service;

- RASTOVAROV Evgeniy Ivanovich, Associate Professor of the Department of Private Animal Science, Selection and Breeding of Animals;

-TENISHCHEV Alexander Vladimirovich, Associate Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and World Economy;

- TUNINA Nelly Alexandrovna, head of the department of organization and control of the educational process;

- FROLOV Alexander Vitalievich, Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Accounting.

Based on the results of online defense of projects, it was decided to award 7 grants from Stavropol State Agar University to:

- ANUPRIENKO Maksim Alekseevich, postgraduate student of the Faculty of Farm Mechanization for the project "Development of universal double-disc openers for grain seeders for work in wet and dry soils";

- KUZMINOVA Yulia Nikolaevna, student of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources for the project "The influence of differentiated application of nitrogen fertilizers on different backgrounds of mineral nutrition on the yield and quality of winter wheat in the conditions of the Educational and experimental farm of SSAU, depending on the NDVI index indicators";

- LELIKOVA Ekaterina Ilyinichna, postgraduate student of the Accounting and Finance Faculty for the project "Improving the organizational and economic mechanism of reproduction of labor resources in agriculture";

- MEDVEDEVA Ekaterina Pavlovna, postgraduate student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine for the project "Morphofunctional characteristics of ovaries in cows with ovarian dysfunctions";

- REZUN Natalya Alexandrovna, post-graduate student of the Faculty of Biotechnology for the project "Metabolism, biological and productive characteristics of Russian meat merino sheep in intralinear and interlinear breeding";

- STAVITSKAYA Natalya Alexandrovna, student of the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering for the project "Zonal Technologies in Agriculture";

- SHKIRYA Anastasia Stepanovna, postgraduate student of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture for the project "Conceptual approaches to the formation of elements of flower and decorative design of the city on the example of landscaping the roof of the sports and recreation complex of SSAU." 

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