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Solemn honoring of the winners of the WorldSkills Russia Interuniversity Championship


More than 500 students of higher educational institutions from 39 regions of Russia, as well as foreign competitors from universities in 24 countries, took part in the professional skills championship.

In the final of the IV National Interuniversity Championship WorldSkills Russia, Stavropol SAU was represented by six students in five nominations. Three of them brought gold medals to the collection of awards.

In the competence "Prototyping" Stepan Yarysh, a student of the Faculty of Farm Mechanization, took the FIRST place.

In the competence "Internet marketing" Anton Degtyarev, a student of the Faculty of Economics, took the FIRST place.

In the competence "Freight forwarding" Victoria Gomanyuk, a student of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism, took the FIRST place.

The winners were greeted by the rector of the university, professor Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov, director of the Institute of Continuing Education of SSAU, professor Olga Mikhailovna Lisova, as well as mentors of the participants of the Championship. The students were presented with long-awaited medals and prizes. 

Дата новости для фото:  29.12.2020
Номер новости для фото:  7

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