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Meeting of the Organizing Committee for the competitive selection of applications for participation in the training program "Farmer's School"


Farmer's School is a federal project aimed at increasing professionalism in the agro-industrial complex. The recruitment of the second stream of listeners lasted from December 25, 2020 to January 27, 2021. The main goal of the educational project "School of the Farmer" is still to support projects of young entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector at all stages of development: from the development of an idea to its commercialization, as well as to increase financial literacy among representatives of the farming community and to provide assistance in financial support of entrepreneurs engaged in rural economy.

The second stream of training will be held in the following directions: "Gardening - crop production", "Greenhouse - indoor crop production", "Sheep - livestock industry". 35 applications were submitted for the competition, of which the competition commission selected 21. These people will become participants in the second stream of the Farmer's School project. The competition committee included:

Zoya Dmitrievna Tikhomirova - Director of the Stavropol branch of Rosselkhozbank JSC;

Irina Anatolyevna Leonova - Deputy Director of the Stavropol branch of Rosselkhozbank JSC; Elena Viktorovna Zinchenko - Head of the Small Business Development Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory;

Olga Mikhailovna Lisova - Director of the Institute of Continuing Professional Education of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Stavropol SAU";

Dmitry Alexandrovich Muger - General Director of LLC "Vegetables of Stavropol";

Vitaly Yuryevich Velichko - Head of the Department of Agrochemistry of LLC Fruit-building "Gardens of Stavropol";

Alexander Sergeevich Kalinichev - Deputy General Director of Stavropol Farmer.  

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