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The future of Russian science belongs to young people! SSAU summed up the results of the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of scientific works


At Stavropol State Agrarian University, the regional qualifying stage of the All-Russian competition of scientific works for the best author's research in the field of the financial market "Financial market instruments for the agro-industrial complex of the region", timed to celebrate the Day of Russian Science, has ended.

The competition was attended by students of higher educational institutions of Stavropol Territory, interested in promoting their scientific ideas and research. This year 24 students presented their works. The projects concerned developments in the field of modern financial and digital technologies, the financial market, investment activities, financial monitoring in the field of insurance. All work was divided into five areas. The projects were presented remotely and in person, and the jury evaluated them offline.

Among the winners there are students of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

In the Risk Hedging category:

• 1st place - Glyva Daria Ivanovna, Stavropol State Agrarian University;

• 2nd place - Khakirov Akhmed Inusovich, North Caucasus Federal University;

• 3rd place - Vladimir Vitalyevich Maznitsin, Stavropol State Agrarian University.

In the category "The Future of the Insurance Market":

• 1st place - Zelenova Anastasia Vladimirovna, North Caucasus Federal University;

• 2nd place - Gritskiv Maria Anatolyevna, Stavropol State Agrarian University.

In the category "The Future of the Financial Market":

• 1st place - Magomedalieva Zalina Magomedalievna, Stavropol State Agrarian University.

• 2nd place - Tyunyan Yevgenia Aregovna, Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The student work competition is being held for the seventh time and is aimed at promoting the activation of research activities of students, substantiating the directions of sustainable financial development of agricultural enterprises, increasing students' interest in their chosen profession.

The participants of the competition are the future financial elite, whose representatives are capable of becoming leaders in terms of financial knowledge not only in the North Caucasus Federal District, but also in the Russian Federation as a whole.

The winners of the regional stage entered the All-Russian stage of the competition. 

Дата новости для фото:  09.02.2021
Номер новости для фото:  3

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