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Popular science lecture "Professor Dowell's Head: From Fantasy to Reality"


Science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev in the novel "The Head of Professor Dowell" describes the possibility of reviving the human head. The idea to animate individual body parts or organs appeared long before the novel was published. During the lecture, students learned about the thorny path of the formation of resuscitation and transplantology, the science of revitalization and organ transplantation, from fantastic ideas to completely real possibilities.

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Roman Alexandrovich Tsyganskiy told the audience about interesting scientific discoveries.

During the lecture, the stages of the formation of transplantology and resuscitation, medical technologies on organ and tissue transplantation from bold fantastic ideas to modern real possibilities were considered. The historical role of domestic scientists, whose enthusiasm and dedication to science contributed to the progress of this field of medicine and veterinary medicine, is shown.

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Дата новости для фото:  10.02.2021
Номер новости для фото:  7

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