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Results of the Week of Russian Science at the Faculty of Economics


From 1 to 8 February 2021, on the eve of the celebration of the Day of Russian Science, the Faculty of Economics held events under the general theme: "Digital challenges in a new paradigm of economic development." The events were held with the participation of the dean - professor Olga Nikolaevna Kusakina.

On February 2, a problem seminar was held: "Modern scientific research in the commercial activities of enterprises and organizations: from theory to practice", organized by the employees of the Department of Economic Theory, Marketing and Agroeconomics: Angelina Yakovlevna Kazarova, Yulia Viktorovna Rybasova, Anzhelika Tagirovna Aydinova.

The moderators and participants of the seminar considered the results of research on the problems of forming the company's product policy, the principles of assortment optimization, the choice of ways to increase the economic efficiency of managing stocks of bakery and confectionery enterprises: KhLEB Khmelnitsky LLC and Khlebozavod No. 3 JSC from Stavropol and LLC "PYATIGORSK BAKERY".

On February 3, students and teachers took part in the Scientific Readings "Great Names of the Digital World". In their speeches, the speakers discussed the pressing issues of scientific activity in the information sphere, recalled a number of unique names and scientific discoveries that played a significant role in the development of mankind. The Organizer was Professor of the Department of Information Systems Alexander Vasilievich Shuvaev.

On February 4, the Department of Information Systems in a remote format held a scientific conference "Advanced digital technologies in the context of modern innovative developments" (moderated by Associate Professor of the Department Alexander Mikhailovich Troshkov), at which the staff presented the results of their scientific research, and students of the faculty got acquainted with the exhibits of the exhibition of innovative projects of the student scientific society "Informatic". The greatest interest was aroused by innovative developments, such as:

1. Air filtration device on a digital control platform (scientific advisors - associate professors Irina Petrovna Kuzmenko and Valery Evgenievich Rachkov).

2. Digital identifier of time periods "Second" (supervisors - Professor Alexander Vasilyevich Shuvaev and Associate Professor Anna Nikolaevna Ermakova).

3. A device for directed action on insects by means of a magnetic resonator with programmed control (supervisors - associate professors Alexander Mikhailovich Troshkov and Vladimir Pavlovich Gerasimov).

4. Device for digital monitoring of ecologically clean agricultural land (scientific supervisors - associate professors Irina Vladimirovna Samoilenko and Svetlana Viktorovna Bogdanova).

The staff of the Department of Entrepreneurship and World Economy held such events as:

- Discussion in a remote format on the topic "Peculiarities of market segmentation in the restaurant business" (organized by Associate Professor Yulia Viktorovna Orel), which raised the need for a clear definition of the market share, the possibility of making a sales forecast and building a sales strategy as well as definition of consumer needs.

- An interactive lesson in the format of a round table on the discipline "Foreign economic activity of an organization" with 4th year students (organized by Associate Professor Natalya Valerievna Vorobyova), at which the participants discussed the development of export of livestock products in Stavropol Territory and identified promising areas of the region in the implementation of priority project "Export of agricultural products".

On February 5, the Department of State and Municipal Administration and Law, together with representatives of state and municipal authorities, held a competition for student research papers "Local self-government today", in which students touched upon the problems of efficiency and improvement of the activities of local governments; motivation of municipal employees; quality of life and social protection of the population; local government and entrepreneurship; youth policy, etc.

A round table "Achieving the UN SDGs in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic" was held (organized by Yulia Viktorovna Rybasova and Olga Aleksandrovna Cherednichenko, associate professors of the Department of Economic Theory, Marketing and Agroeconomics), which discussed a number of topical issues related to the implementation of measures to reduce the negative consequences of the pandemic COVID-19 in 2020.

The results of interdepartmental cooperation at the Faculty of Economics were considered on the discussion platform "Integrated Interaction between Economics and Programming" held by the Department of Economic Theory, Marketing and Agroeconomics and the Department of Information Systems (organized by Galina Viktorovna Tokareva and Alexander Mikhailovich Troshkov). Within the framework of the event, there were presented results of student research on the historical features of the emergence and revival of the holiday - the Day of Russian Science (Ekaterina Morozova), joint developments of scientists from two departments, revealing the algorithm for creating innovative projects from the moment the idea was formed to its implementation (associate professor Alexander Mikhailovich Troshkov), the procedure for submitting and structure of applications for innovative projects for participation in prestigious competitions and exhibitions (Associate Professor Galina Viktorovna Tokareva), such as: Russian agro-industrial exhibition "Golden Autumn", International Exhibition of Innovations and Scientific Research Competition "HI-TECH", International Biotechnological Forum "ROSBIOTECH".

On February 8, at the Faculty of Economics, as part of the celebration of the Day of Russian Science, an open lecture-discussion was held on the topic "Assessment of the future of socio-economic systems" The event was organized by Andrey N. Baydakov, Professor of the Department of Management and Management Technologies.

Scientific discussion took place with full-time students of the Faculty of Economics.

When considering this topic, such questions were raised as: the need to understand the essence of the future in the framework of research, forecasting and planning the development of socio-economic systems.

Participants took an active part in the discussion of the topic, expressed their opinions with examples from their own experience. 

Дата новости для фото:  09.02.2021
Номер новости для фото:  25

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