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Day of Russian Science at the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources


As part of the celebration of the Day of Russian Science, the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources held events in the first decade of February with the involvement of strategic partners.

In accordance with the plan of scientific activities at the base department of general agriculture, plant growing, selection and seed production named after Professor F.I. Bobryshev for the 2nd year students of the direction "Agronomy" there was held an open lecture by Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of FSBEI HE "Donskoy SAU" Konstantin Igorevich Pimonov on the topic: "Influence of the seeding rate on the productivity of chickpea on the Don." He told the students about the role of leguminous crops in preserving soil fertility and enriching the soil with nitrogen.

On February 2, an open lecture was held for 3rd year students of the biotechnology faculty of the direction "Technology of production and processing of agricultural products" with the participation of the chief agronomist of LLC "Agrosakhar" Alexander Sergeevich Krasnikov on the main elements and methods of technology for growing sugar beet during irrigation. On the same day, for 2nd year students of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture of the direction "Garden and Park and Landscape Construction" a round table was held on the topic: "Modern types of flower decoration". Presentations were made by the Deputy Director for Scientific Work of Stavropol Botanical Garden named after V.S. Skripchinsky Vasily Vasilievich Khrapach and employee of the landscape center "New Garden" Irina Vasilievna Denisenko.

On February 3, the staff of the Department of Land Management and Cadastre, together with representatives of the SRO "Cadastral Engineers of the South" Sergei Alexandrovich Kovyazin and Alexander Sergeevich Satin, held a symposium on the topic "Topical issues of cadastral activities."

On February 4, within the framework of the discipline "Systems of farming", a round table was held for 4th year students of the direction "Agronomy". During the lesson, students discussed the life and work of domestic scientists, founders of scientific agronomy and determined the relevance of their scientific achievements and conclusions in modern science. The round table was attended by Lyubov Vladimirovna Dobrynina, Junior Researcher of the Laboratory for Remote Hybridization of the North Caucasus Federal Scientific Agrarian Center.

On February 5, the staff of the Department of Production and Processing of Food Products from Plant Raw Materials held a round table on the topic: “The current state of the gardening industry in Stavropol Territory. Innovative Aspects of Storage and Processing of Crop Products”. The event was attended by representatives of the industry - the head of the plant growing department of the state government institution "Stavropoltvinogradplodoprom" Ruslan Temerlanovich Tekeev and the regional representative of Echo-Rus LLC (Slovenia), food and crop production technologist Krsmanovich Negovan. On February 8, for 2nd year students, the staff of the same department held a curatorial hour on the topic: "History and traditions of the Nobel and Shnobel Prizes", where students were given information about the history of the holiday "Day of Russian Science", as well as the history and traditions of honoring the Nobel Prize winners.

On February 9, there was a meeting of the Dean of the Faculties of Agrobiology and Land Resources and Ecology and Landscape Architecture, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Nikolaevich Esaulko and the head of the territorial division of Syngenta LLC Andrei Alexandrovich Makhrov and the head of the technical marketing department of Syngenta LLC Elena Alexandrovna Sokolova. Within the framework of the meeting, the strategic partners covered the issues of sustainable development of production and sales of plant protection products. Representatives of the company and the leadership of the faculties outlined the goals and objectives of joint fundamental research aimed at maintaining soil health and implementing joint projects of best practices and developing educational projects.

A round table on the topic "Issues of selection and seed production of winter wheat varieties in Stavropol Territory" was devoted to solving problems in the field of selection and seed production of grain crops in Stavropol Territory, which took place in the laboratory of entertaining selection. The round table was attended by Grigory Fedorovich Dontsov, General Director of LLC OPH "Luch" of the Novoselitsky Municipal District. During the event, plans were outlined for the development of breeding and seed production at the faculty in connection with the creation of a specialized department on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution of the North Caucasus FANTS. Grigory Fedorovich spoke about the main activity of the enterprise - growing seeds of grain crops of the highest reproduction.

It should be noted that the staff of our faculty is constantly working to attract students to scientific activities along with students from schools in the region. So, on the Day of Russian Science, the staff of the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Physiology and the Basic Department of General Agriculture, Plant Growing, Breeding and Seed Production named after Professor F.I. Bobryshev held a round table with students of 10th and 11th grades of secondary school № 12 of Krasnogvardeisky. The questions discussed were “What is science?”, “Who is a scientist?”, “Why and what kind of student do you need to be?”. High school students asked questions and presented their achievements.

Our strategic partners took an active part in the discussion of the scientific work of schoolchildren: Tatyana Vasilyevna Gerasimenko, deputy director for educational work of the Station of young naturalists of the city - resort of Kislovodsk, and Anna Sergeevna Tatarova, a methodologist. 

Дата новости для фото:  11.02.2021
Номер новости для фото:  5

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