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Collaboration with the National Scientific Society of Infectious Diseases


Scientific and practical online seminar: "Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections: Diagnostics, Therapy and Prevention". Acute respiratory infections (ARI) and influenza remain a significant problem in the modern world. Despite advances in understanding the mechanisms of the development of the pathological process, the real clinical practice of providing medical care requires improved approaches to diagnosis and treatment, especially in the context of the coronavirus infection pandemic.

This problem was addressed by the Scientific and Practical Online Seminar: "Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections: Diagnosis, Therapy and Prevention", held on February 10-11 with the participation of the National Scientific Society of Infectious Diseases. Scientists from all regions of the Russian Federation took part in the seminar, a discussion was held, answers to questions of interest were given, examples of clinical practice and modern methods of timely laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases were given.

Teachers of the Department of Epizootology and Microbiology took part in the work of the scientific and practical seminar

Ozheredova Nadezhda Arkadyevna - head of the department, doctor of veterinary sciences, professor;

Verevkina Marina Nikolaevna - candidate of biological sciences, associate professor;

Svetlakova Elena Valentinovna - candidate of biological sciences, associate professor;

Simonov Alexander Nikolaevich - candidate of biological sciences, associate professor and 2nd year students of the faculty of veterinary medicine.

As part of the study of the discipline "Methods of Scientific Research", students deepened their knowledge of significant scientific issues online, listening to scientific reports of infectious disease specialists and representatives of research institutes of the country. 

Дата новости для фото:  12.02.2021
Номер новости для фото:  10

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