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Inter-faculty event for St. Valentine’s Day


On St. Valentine’s Day, representatives of five Faculties gathered in the assembly hall of the administrative building. A couple of a boy and a girl took part in the competition from each Faculty. The students took part in competitions.

The event was organized with the support of students from different Faculties. The competition was attended by:

· Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture;

· Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources;

· Faculty of Veterinary Medicine;

· Biotechnology faculty;

· Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education.

The show program included a number of tests and tasks for couples, which they had to go through together, based on their knowledge and intuition.

As a jury were invited:

· Sergey Nogin – the chairman of the primary trade union organization of students of SSAU;

· Yana Avakyan – the specialist of the department for educational work and social issues;

· Nikita Vlaskin – the chairman of the Students’ Council of SSAU.

Based on the results of the competition tasks, the following pairs were identified:

· “The most charming couple” - Polina Tricheva (FELA) and Lev Slyadnev (FVM);

· “The most beautiful couple” - Roman Epifanov (BTF) and Irina Alekseeva (FSVE);

· “The most elegant couple” - Kristina Konstantinova (FELA) and Alexander Batrakov (FSVE).

And the winners of the competition were:

· Denis Kurochkin (FELA) and Yana Tsapko (FVM);

· Andrey Bazhanov (FALA) and Daria Popova (BTF). 

Дата новости для фото:  16.02.2021
Номер новости для фото:  7

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