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Future specialists receive professional skills in the conditions of the leading agricultural holdings in Russia


As part of the calendar schedule of the educational process, students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the Faculty of Biotechnology undergo practical training on the basis of strategic partners: “EkoNiva-Holding-Voronezh”, Voronezh Region, JSC “Mosmedynagroprom”, Kaluga Region, Agroholding “MIRATORG”, Bryansk Region, JSC “Tersky tribal stud farm No. 169”, Stavropol Territory.

The leadership of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the Faculty of Biotechnology was tasked with bringing education closer to the practical tasks of the real professional sphere, so that specialists who received diplomas would have not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical competencies. These tasks are successfully solved by concluding agreements on practical training and creative cooperation with leading enterprises of the veterinary and biotechnological profile. At the moment, the faculties have more than 150 places of practical training for students of various specialties.

Biotechnology students learn the best laboratory research techniques. So the students of the direction of training “Technology of production and processing of agricultural products” Yana Balzhirova, Valentina Bekker, Maria Blednykh and Vasily Kim undergo practical training on the basis of JSC “Mosmedynagroprom” in the Kaluga region, where they learn to perform chemical and microbiological analyzes of raw materials at all stages of production, and also carry out the work of a production process control operator.

Students Dmitry Grushko, Yulia Cheprakova and Nikita Buryan undergo practical training at the “EkoNiva-Moloko-Voronezh” dairy plant, performing the duties of an assistant technologist in the butter production department. The trainees carry out the following technological operations: preparation of boxes for packing, packing on the oil production line, oil analysis according to the quality parameters established by the technical conditions.

The work program of practical training for obtaining professional skills at a large dairy enterprise “EkoNiva-Holding-Voronezh” for students Vadim Kapustin and Pavel Podpalny, specializing in Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, set a number of tasks for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of animals. In addition to practical training, they will receive lectures on modern animal husbandry. After successful selection, students undergo research practice at the enterprises of the holding, work under an employment contract as assistants to specialists of the corresponding profile, receive a salary and a bonus based on the results of work, are provided with seasonal overalls, accommodation in comfortable dormitories, and two meals a day. The Holding pays for students' travel to the place of internship and back. Experienced specialists of the enterprise and invited experts read lectures for trainees on modern technologies in animal husbandry, agronomy, engineering and mechanization.

In the conditions of the breeding enterprise JSC “Tersk tribal stud farm No. 169”, a student of the specialty “Veterinary Medicine” Valeria Atamanenko completes a full immersion in industrial life, gets acquainted with the life of pedigree equestrian complexes, in her work she masters production skills and subtleties of veterinary medicine in hippology, and also learns herd management, specificity of forage procurement.

At the meat processing enterprises of the “MIRATORG” Agroholding, a student of the specialty Veterinary Medicine Maxim Gilev acquires the skills of industrial processing of marbled beef. On the slaughter line, experienced specialists train students to check the received raw materials for compliance with veterinary standards, as well as sort by category. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.02.2021
Номер новости для фото:  14

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