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Open lecture by the head of the territorial division of OOO “Syngenta”


Within the framework of the Week of Science for students of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, studying in the direction of “Agronomy”, an open lecture was held by the head of the territorial subdivision of Saratov OOO “Syngenta” Alexander Alexandrovich Kitaev.

Today “Syngenta” offers agricultural producers not only a wide selection of seeds of the key field crops of the Russian region - sunflower, corn - and a wide range of plant protection products, but also comprehensive professional protection programs.

The Faculty of Agrobiology of Land Resources and OOO “Syngenta” have a long and strong friendship. Students undergo practical training at the enterprise, and then find employment.

Alexander Alexandrovich spoke about the company, noted that due to the synthesis of serious research and development and deep knowledge of the realities of the agricultural market, “Syngenta” implements solutions and technologies that provide farms with the maximum return on investment.

At the end of the meeting, Alexander Alexandrovich Kitaev answered students’ questions, held a small quiz with valuable gifts to the winners. 

Дата новости для фото:  19.02.2021
Номер новости для фото:  4

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