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Happy Defender of the Motherland Day!


Dear veterans, lecturers, staff members, students and graduate students! I congratulate you on the Defender of the Motherland Day!

For our country, February 23 is a holiday of courage, fortitude, military valor and loyal service to the interests of Russia. He firmly entered our life as the personification of patriotism, nobility and courage, an inextricable link between generations. This is a holiday of the continuity of the heroic traditions of our people, devotion to the Motherland and pride in its military glory.

It is on this day that we once again realize the importance of serving the Motherland, the readiness to defend our country, our relatives and friends. Resilience in the face of any trials - be it a great example of veterans or steadfastness, loyalty to the word and deed of all those who carry out a high mission today - is a real sign of the defender of the Motherland.

The men who work in the team of our university are always distinguished by their industriousness and responsibility, dedication and perseverance, sharp mind and decency. There are many brilliant young scientists and successful athletes, tireless youth activists and passionate artists among our young students. One can only be proud of such a solo half of the university!

On behalf of the staff of Stavropol State Agrarian University and on my own behalf, I congratulate everyone on this worthy holiday! I wish you good health, family well-being, good undertakings, professional achievements and a peaceful sky over your head!

Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University,

Professor I.V. Atanov 

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