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Presentation competition “Say NO to Terrorism!”


Lectures of the Department of Power Supply and Operation of Electrical Equipment held a presentation competition “Say NO to Terrorism!” for students of the Power Engineering Faculty. First-year students took part in the competition with pleasure, prepared interesting presentations and made reports “Who are terrorists”, “Together against terrorism”, “Terrorism is a threat of the 21st century”, “Where the threat of terrorism is possible”, “The largest terrorist attacks in Russia” And “Victims of terrorists - innocent children and adults”, “Russia is against terror”.

The students demonstrated a good knowledge of the topic and expressed a general opinion that terrorism is a serious crime and an international problem for all of humanity. At the end of the presentation competition, the students with interest took part in the discussion about the need for constant vigilance of each student, especially in transport, in stores and in crowded places, even during a pandemic.

Presentation competition “Say NO to Terrorism!” for students was organized and conducted by the associate professor of the department Evgeny Evgrafovich Privalov together with the head of the department, associate professor Alexei Valerievich Efanov. According to the results of the competition for the best presentations, the freshmen were thanked. 

Дата новости для фото:  20.02.2021
Номер новости для фото:  8

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