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Interview with representatives of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives in the Stavropol Territory


At the Boiling Point of SSAU, a live broadcast was held with public representatives of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives. ASI for the promotion of new projects is a Russian autonomous non-profit organization created by the Russian Government to implement a set of measures in the economic and social spheres. In particular, to promote priority projects, implement measures to improve the business environment in Russia, and develop professional staff.

More recently, such concepts as the national technological initiative, Boiling point, intensives have entered the life of the Stavropol GAU. The guests of the live broadcast, which took place at the Boiling Point of the SSAU, answered what it is and how it works.

Public representatives of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives in our region answered the questions:

· Sergey Viktorovich Nesmelov - co-founder and commercial director of the law firm "KraiNalogService", public representative of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives in the Stavropol Territory in the direction of "Entrepreneurship and Technology"

· Sergey Ivanovich Romanin - in 2017 initiated the project "Volunteering for everyone", experience in public procurement for over 12 years, public representative of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives in the Stavropol Territory in the direction of "Social Projects"

· Natalia Borisovna Sazonova - public representative of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives in the Stavropol Territory in the direction of "Entrepreneurship and Technology", member of the Interdepartmental Working Group of the Russian Federation "Digital Agriculture", Chairman of the Board of Directors of NP "DIKMA".

The speakers talked about how and why the ASI appeared in Russia, and separately in our region.

We touched upon the topic of digital education, project intensives and NTI markets.

You can watch the ether on the link


Дата новости для фото:  26.02.2021
Номер новости для фото:  5

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