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Practical classes for students with employees of the All-Russian Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Breeding


At the major Department of Private Zootechnics, Selection and Breeding of Animals, as part of the creation of a major Department with the All-Russian Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Breeding, a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "North Caucasian FSAC", lectures and practical classes were held for students in the direction of training "Zootechnics". The students were given classes on the disciplines "Breeding of farm animals" and "Organization of breeding".

The North Caucasus Federal Scientific Agrarian Center is the leading research institution in Russia in the field of agricultural sciences. Experts conducted a series of classes for students on various topics.

Nina Valerievna Huseynova – Junior Researcher at the Laboratory of Industrial Technology for the Production of Livestock Products. Lecture topic: Prevention of the spread of lethal and semi-lethal anomalies. Practice topic: Modern breeds of farm animals.

Daria Dmitrievna Petukhova – Junior Researcher at the Laboratory of Genomic Selection and Reproductive Cryobiology in Livestock. Topic of the lecture and practical lesson: Assessment of breeding and reproductive qualities of producers of farm animals during selection.

Tatyana Vasilievna Sotnikova – postgraduate student of the 2nd year of study, direction of training 06.06.01 - Veterinary and animal science, training profile 06.02.07 - Breeding, selection and genetics of farm animals. Topic of the lecture and practical lesson: Dairy and beef cattle breeding. Animal tagging. Valuation of breeding animals and the use of computers for the analysis of breeding material. 

Дата новости для фото:  02.03.2021
Номер новости для фото:  7

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