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SSAU students again "Melted the Ice"


Every year, on the threshold of spring, the best students of the best agricultural university in the country warm up at the traditional “Melt the Ice” competition. This year the skating rink "Victoria" hospitably received almost half a thousand students who fought for victory in various nominations.

The first competition is creative, the second is a relay race. The main assessment is team cohesion. It's important to stick together on ice.

This year the competition is dedicated to different countries – each faculty is a separate state.

· Mexico – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine;

· Japan – Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources;

· Greece – Faculty of Biotechnology;

· Germany - Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture;

· Hawaii – Electrical Power Faculty;

· Ireland - Faculty of Social and Cultural Services and Tourism;

· India – Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education;

· England – Faculty of Economics;

· South Africa – Faculty of Accounting and Finance;

· Brazil – Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization.

In total, almost 150 people took to the ice within the competition. And everyone is determined to win.

The culmination of the show was the awarding of the winners!

- 3rd place – Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education;

- 2nd place – Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization;

- 1st place – Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources;

- the nomination "Creative number" – Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization;

- the nomination "Best Support Group" – the victory was shared by the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture and the Faculty of Accounting and Finance;

- the nomination "Fastest Participant" – Alan Levshokov, a postgraduate student of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources;

- the nomination "The Fastest Participant" – Yana Sheshkil, a student of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization;

- Alexander Kurennoy, a student of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Services and Tourism, became the leader in the comic nomination "Best Pirouette".

Дата новости для фото:  03.03.2021
Номер новости для фото:  7

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