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The site of the WorldSkills regional championship in the competence "Prototyping" continues to operate in the SSAU


In the Stavropol State Agrarian University, on the basis of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization, a regional WorldSkills championship is being held in the “Prototype Manufacturing” competence. The competition runs for 3 days. Students from the Stavropol Territory, St. Petersburg, Tomsk Region and the Republic of Tatarstan take part in the program.

Competitions are held at the updated work site of the CYIC Fablab "Vector" (on the basis of the Stavropol State Agrarian University), which is the National Competence Center "Prototyping" accredited according to WorldSkills standards.

This is the first specialized competence center in the Stavropol Territory accredited by the Union "Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workers “Young Professionals” (Worldskills Russia)", and the only one in the Russian Federation for this competence.

Today the Center is located on an area of 550 sq.m. and is equipped with the most modern equipment for digital production: 3D printers, 3D scanners, laser equipment, CNC lathes and milling machines.

Equipment from manufacturers PICASO 3D, Felix Print, Roland and others are presented at the championship.

We want to remind that Stavropol State Agrarian University is an active participant in the Worldskills Russia movement.

Since 2016, the university has trained 6 winners and 2 silver medalists of the National Finals of the Worldskills Russia championships, as well as one winner of the industry championship – this is the best indicator among educational organizations in the Stavropol Territory. 

Дата новости для фото:  03.03.2021
Номер новости для фото:  5

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