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SSAU hosted a conference dedicated to the International Women's Day


On the eve of March 8, one cannot but pay tribute to the memory and respect of Soviet women who rose up to defend the Fatherland during the Great Patriotic War. The fairer sex took the responsibility for the rear on their shoulders, brought up children, defended the country on an equal basis with men. They served in the Red Army, took part in the partisan movement, as well as in the expulsion of the occupiers from the Soviet land and in their complete defeat.

As you know, the enthusiasm of women, their desire to go to the defense of the Fatherland manifested itself at all times. But if earlier the participation of women in hostilities was episodic, then during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 it acquired a massive scale: the mobilization of hundreds of thousands of women into the army was carried out on the basis of orders of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, although the principle of voluntariness was also taken into account. Women were drafted into the Red Army, the Navy and the PCIA Troops to replace men in rear units and institutions, as well as in some combat troops. The feat of the home front workers was equal to the feat of the soldiers at the front.

The conference dedicated to the International Women's Day "The Strength of the Weak: Women in the Great Patriotic War", which was held for university students, was devoted to the discussion of such an urgent topic. The event was organized at the initiative of the staff of the Department of Philosophy and History, and was held at the Faculty of Economics, Accounting and Finance.

From the history of the holiday:

March 8 – International Women's Day, which also celebrates the achievements of women in the political, economic and social fields, celebrates the past, present and future of women on the planet.

The modern celebration of Women's Day no longer has the goal of affirming equality, but is considered the day of spring, female beauty, tenderness, spiritual wisdom and attention to a woman, regardless of her status and age.

It is interesting that the idea of holding International Women's Day first appeared precisely at the beginning of the 20th century, when the industrialized world was going through a period of expansion and upheaval, a demographic boom and the emergence of radical ideologies.

In 1910 Copenhagen hosted the 2nd International Conference of Working Women. The leader of the women's group of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, Clara Zetkin, put forward the idea of celebrating International Women's Day. She proposed that Women's Day be celebrated annually in every country on the same day. The purpose of this holiday Zetkin called the struggle of women for their rights.

There is an opinion that the first ever "march of empty pots" of New York textile workers, which took place on March 8, 1857, became one of the prerequisites for the celebration of International Women's Day.

This holiday acquired the official status of "International Women's Day" by the decision of the UN in 1975, and since then it has been celebrated by the UN annually as the International Day for Women's Rights and International Peace, and each year is dedicated to a specific topic.

On this day, women from all continents, often divided by national boundaries or ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political differences, have the opportunity to come together and remember a tradition that represents at least several decades of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development.

International Women's Day is a holiday for all women who have become history makers. Unsurprisingly, women have become pioneers in many areas - here are just a few facts united by the female “first”. In January 1906, the first Russian higher technical educational institution for women was opened in St. Petersburg; in January 1909, the world's first women's auto race took place in New York; in May 1989, there was the first performance of the female "Vivaldi Orchestra".

In modern society, International Women's Day, first of all, is a holiday of spring and attention to women, when representatives of a strong half of humanity can once again please their beloved and dear women with gifts and care. 

Дата новости для фото:  04.03.2021
Номер новости для фото:  6

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