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Acceptance of works for the all-Russian competition "Path to Science - 2021" is open


The Association of Internet Publishers announced the start of the competition for educational and final qualification works "Path to Science - 2021". Participants can be graduates of bachelor's, master's and postgraduate studies of Russian universities for 2019-2021. All you need to participate is to publish your research work on the Scientific Correspondent website.

Acceptance of works for the competition "Path to Science - 2021" will be held from March 1 to June 30, 2021. According to the organizers, the main goal, as in previous competitions, is to spread the practice of open publication of final qualifying and research papers. Thanks to the competition, it becomes possible to attract the attention of educational and public organizations to young researchers and the results of their work, as well as to increase the interest of society and business in research projects.

“The project reflects new approaches to quality control in education, contributes to improving the academic literacy of graduates, developing the skills of academic writing and working with sources,” said Ivan Zasursky, President of the Internet Publishers Association. – "In addition, the competition can contribute to a healthier labor market and help restore the scientific recruiting system."

Winners and prize-winners will receive commemorative diplomas and cash prizes - at the moment the prize fund is 300 thousand rubles, at least 20 works are planned to be awarded. At the moment, the competition has two main nominations: "Most viewed work on the site" (audience choice) and "Best work in a subject area" (selected by a jury, which includes experts in the subject area). The competition is held using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Foundation. Thanks to this support, the prize pool in the main categories has tripled compared to 2020.

Participants will also receive specialized nominations from companies that are interested in research on a specific topic. Now authors of works on the topics of ecology and climate (nomination partner – ClimateSience.ru), copyright (nomination partner – Pravo A company), journalism, media and communication (nomination partner – Internet edition “Private Correspondent ") can count on such prizes. As new partners and sponsors are attracted, other nominations may be opened. Summaries of the best works will be published in the media, including the main information partner of the competition – the publication "Science and Life".

“The Internet is becoming, if not already, the main source of information, including for scientists,” says Maxim Abaev, editor-in-chief of the Science and Life portal. – “What can not but rejoice, more and more scientific articles are published in the open access for everyone. This is not only convenient for science journalists, but also useful for readers, who can always follow the link and delve into the details of the scientific research they are interested in. And for the modern scientist, communication with society has become an important component of scientific work, since it helps to attract more talented students and young specialists to their research. Therefore, the publication in the open access of the results of their first scientific research is an important and correct step from which it is worth starting the path to science, and which will help build a successful scientific career in the future.”

The results of the "Path to Science - 2021" competition will be published on the Scientific Correspondent website no later than July 31, 2021, and the winners will be awarded by the end of August. You can familiarize yourself with the regulations on the competition and submit work for participation on the official page.

The competition was first organized in 2020. Then the prize fund was 100 thousand rubles. The project attracted the attention of more than 2.5 thousand young researchers who posted their work in the public domain. The number of visitors to the Scientific Correspondent website during the last stage exceeded 1 million people. 

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