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Master Class: "Analytical Support for Management Decisions: Best Practices


At the boiling point of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, teachers of the department of "Economic Analysis and Audit" organized a master class on "Analytical Support Management Decisions: Best Practices" with 3rd and 4th year students in the field of "Economics".

The moderators of the round table were teachers of the department "Economic analysis and audit": Dr. of Economics, Professor Marina G. Leshcheva, associate professor Tatiana N. Steklova and associate professor Tatiana N. Uryadova.

The speakers of the master class were specialists in the field of accounting and economic analysis, working in banks, enterprises of the real sector of economy, trade and logistics:

- Ekaterina Dolzhenko, head of the methodology department of the Financial Monitoring Department of Promsvyazbank PAO ;

- Yulia Svistunova, Junior Analyst in the Department of Information Systems Support, OOO Artifex Prof, Moscow;

- Chief accountants and leading analysts of I.E. Kudinova, OOO Global Logistics Transport, OOO Sirius.

Specialists shared with students their experience in the most effective organization of analytical work. They touched upon the necessity of continuous education and mastering new competencies that meet the requirements of modern economy.

Дата новости для фото:  09.03.2021
Номер новости для фото:  8

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