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Happy Maslenitsa in the Agrarian University


Despite the bad weather, students of Stavropol State Agrarian University found bits of sunshine in the Maslenitsa pancakes. The celebration took place in the faculties. The activists made tasty treats and traditionally greeted spring brightly and loudly.

Maslenitsa traditions are aimed at chasing away the cold winter, which is especially relevant now for Stavropol. And the students of the Agrarian University made every effort to do this. There have been prepared colorful and incredibly tasty treats and creative numbers.

This year the Shrovetide was held separately on the faculties, but students are not discouraged. Maslenitsa trick-or-treaters invited everyone to the feast, and of course performed ditties and dances. Each faculty had different themes from Russian heroes to circus performances.

There were no winners this time - the main thing is that everyone enjoyed the holiday and tasty pancakes! 

Дата новости для фото:  11.03.2021
Номер новости для фото:  2

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