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Interfaculty tournament in business game "Ecologic"


At the Boiling Point of SSAU, a tournament in ecological and economic game was held, in which students of the Faculty of Economics of the profile "Economics" and students of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture of the profile "Ecology and Nature Management" took part.

The initiator of the event and the organizer was the professor of the Faculty of Economics, Ph.D., Associate Professor Yulia Viktorovna Rybasova. The co-organizers of the tournament are Olga Aleksandrovna Cherednichenko, Natalia Anatolyevna Dovgotko and Elizaveta Viktorovna Skiperskaya, associate professors of the Department of Economic Theory, Marketing and Agroeconomics.

The business game "Ecologic", held within the framework of teaching the discipline "Environmental Economics", contributes to the formation of mentor leaders and professionals in the field of sustainable development, disseminating knowledge, skills and implementing "green" initiatives in the business environment. The main idea of ​​the game is to demonstrate the path of a reasonable balance of the economy and ecology as the two most important components of a sustainable future. The game presupposes live communication, makes it possible to fill the communication deficit and is an original tool for developing the skills of systems thinking, strategic planning, business negotiations, and finding compromise solutions.

In the semifinals of the tournament, two teams from each faculty competed at the game tables. During the game, the participants solved the problems of eco-entrepreneurs, harmoniously combining efficient business and ecology: they developed their own production, participated in auctions, conducted business negotiations with competitors, improved production in order to reduce its impact on the environment. Trying on the role of the head of the company, which in the course of their economic activities can harm nature, the students had to react in time to the emerging negative consequences by introducing certain environmental initiatives.

In the final, the winners of the semi-final met at the game table: economics students Ekaterina Godneva and Anastasia Baranovskaya and environmental students Kirill Serdyukov and Elizaveta Veremeenko. The finalist was Kirill Serdyukov, a student of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture.

All participants were awarded with certificates and diplomas, as well as tasty and useful prizes. 

Дата новости для фото:  22.03.2021
Номер новости для фото:  11

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